The women who come to Cross Road are not charged anything. Cross Road supplies all of their needs for their four month stay. This is an investment into their lives! We are able to do this because of the support and generosity of individuals, churches, and businesses.
Since 2010 over 700 women have been given the tools of recovery and introduced to Jesus Christ who empowers then to apply these principles.
Your partnership helps Cross Road minister to those women who struggle with the ever-growing problem of addictions. Thank you for investing in someone's eternity!
Anyone can invest in the life of a woman by being a financial partner. Partners can help with the program expense of a woman from the time of her entrance until her graduation.
To become a CROSS ROAD WARRIOR, simply commit to a monthly gift of $34.00 which will help offset the cost of keeping one woman at Cross Road for one month.
To make a tax exempt donation to the ministry, you can give at Easy Tithe, a secure online financial administrator. Simply click on the link give online link or go to:
You can also text to donate at 765-520-6202
You can also mail a check or money order payable to
The Shepherd's Way
P.O. Box 2502
Richmond, IN 47375